Monthly Archives: December 2011

Sarin and the million numbers part 14(Math Question)


Read posting Sarin and the million numbers and Hairu and the numbers

to understand the mathematics concept of numbers.

Upper primary school mathematics question UPQ75

A number when rounded off to the nearest thousand is 87 000.  Find the difference between the greatest possible number and the smallest possible number.

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Sarin learns Shapes and Solids in school part 15(Math Question)


Read posting Sarin learns Lines and Angles (Math concept) to understand the concept of lines and angles. Read also posting Sarin learns Shapes and Solids in school (Math Concept) to know about shapes. 

Upper primary school mathematics question UPQ74

Find the sum of angles a, b , c and d of the figure below.



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Sarin’s family attend concert at the Esplanade Part 8 (Math Question)


The story on Sarin’s family attend concert at the Esplanade you can read postings on Sarin’s family attend concert at the Esplanade in Welcome category and Sarin’s family attend concert at the Esplanade Part 2 (Math Question).

 Read also posting on Sarin learns concept of ratio in school to understand Ratio.

Lower primary school mathematics question LPQ73

There were 1240 boys and girls attended a musical concert in Esplanade concert hall. The ratio of boys to girls at the concert was 3:7. If 142 girls left midway, how many girls were there at the end?

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